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Pre-Matriculation Program

Premedical Education

Pre-Matriculation Program

The Heritage College Pre-Matriculation Program is a four-week, intensive summer pre-enrollment program for incoming first-year medical students from Appalachian regions of Ohio, for students who have successfully completed the Heritage College post-baccalaureate program and for students who qualify as a federally defined underrepresented minority in medicine.

Program Components

The program is designed to help transition the participants to an active learning through self-directed study process and to reinforce strategies that promote life-long learning. The curriculum uses a case-based learning approach that allows program participants to explore basic science concepts (e.g., anatomy, physiology, biochemistry) that form the foundation for clinical concepts. The program includes:

  • Problem-based learning in small groups
  • Anatomy (lecture and laboratory)
  • Introduction to osteopathic manipulative medicine 
  • Workshops on active study methods
  • Test-taking strategies and time management

For more information on the program, contact the Heritage College Office of Inclusion at or at 740.593.2209.